26th November 2018

2018 July - November

Created by Christine 5 years ago

At 21 weeks + 3days, Chrissie give birth to our beautiful baby boy. It was to soon and the Dr’s and midwifes at St Mary’s hospital did everything they possible could have to avoid labour.

Ethan was extreamly strong and healthy throughout the pregancy. We had 3 scans on weeks 7,12 & 20 and got to see him sleep, sumersault, hide from us and we got to find out we were having a healthy baby boy. His train sound, healthy, heart beat was last listened to hours before his birth/death. It was only at week 20 we were told he simply wasn’t safe and may come early. Ethan was to small to make it through the delivery and lost his heartbeat.

Our beautiful boy had fully grown features and looked just like his daddy. 3 freckles under his left eye and a mole on the side of his eye. His tiny hands had such long fingers which was noticed by all that had seen him. He was just perfect in every way and we will never forget his beautiful face and how it looked like he was smiling back at us. Ethan looked at peace.

We are heart broken to say goodbye to our perfect boy and words can’t describe our family’s pain.

We will forever love you Ethan and you will always be in our heart!





